About Crosshatch

Crosshatch includes APIs that unlock access to multiple AI language models through a single interface. It is designed to be compatible with the OpenAI API, allowing for easy integration into existing applications and workflows that currently use OpenAI's services.

What is Crosshatch?

Crosshatch uses model mixes to combine the capabilities of multiple AI models. This approach allows users to benefit from the strengths of different models without having to manage multiple API integrations or constantly switch between models.

Who is it for?

Crosshatch is for developers and organizations who:

  • Benefit from the quality, speed, or cost advantages of employing different AI models for different tasks

  • Want to ensure they're always using high-performing models without constant manual updates

  • Use OpenAI APIs in their applications

  • Don't want to constantly track or worry about whether they are using the "best" model

Why we built Crosshatch

The rapid advancement of AI models presents challenges for developers trying to keep their applications up-to-date with the best-performing models. Crosshatch was developed to address these challenges by:

  • Simplifying the process of accessing multiple AI models

  • Automating the selection of appropriate models for specific tasks

  • Providing a consistent API interface regardless of the underlying models used

Benefits of using Crosshatch

  1. Simplified Integration: Crosshatch's OpenAI-compatible API allows for easy integration into existing systems without significant code changes.

  2. Access to Multiple Models: Users can leverage the strengths of various AI models through a single API, potentially improving the quality and versatility of AI-generated outputs.

  3. Automatic Model Selection: Crosshatch can automatically select the most appropriate model for a given task, potentially improving performance without requiring manual model switching.

  4. Future-Proofing: As new models are developed and added to Crosshatch, applications can benefit from these improvements without requiring updates to their integration.

  5. Consistent Interface: Developers can maintain a single API integration while accessing multiple AI models, simplifying development and maintenance processes.

Last updated